
Stephanie, Jaise, Nadine, Rita, Layane, & Natalia

Jaise: a 22-year old girl with Lupus disease and no hope of a normal life. At least, that’s what she’s been told. Confined to her home for the past years due to her sensitivity to the sun, Jaise has become depressed, emaciated and has lost most of her hair. Lori has offered to take Jaise to a doctor and pay for the necessary treatments so that she can enjoy life once again. Her family, however, is distrustful of Lori and will not allow Jaise to go, even though she wants to. Over the past week, Jaise has sent Lori some notes and poems (she’s also a very talented artist) and they are getting to know one another. Please pray for this girl. Pray that the Lord will soften the hearts of her family and that Jaise can receive the help she desperately needs. And more importantly than being saved from this disease, that she will be saved from her sin.


Francisca is a 53-year-old woman from Aningas. She asked us for help two years ago. She wasn’t feeling well and she had a problem with her skin.

We made an appointment with a dermatologist, but on the day of the appointment she told us she wasn’t going. She was going to the witch doctor and he was going to cure her. She has spent these two years worshiping Satan and performing black magic.

Last month, when Noreen and Gayle and Elisabeth were here, Francisca sent word that she wanted to see us. She begged for help and said she was so deceived by the witch doctor. She said that she wants God’s help now.

She is hardly able to stand and her appearance is frightening. We have no idea where to start, but we took a few pictures so we can show a doctor.


We are praying with her and spending time with her. Her greatest need is her soul’s salvation. The Enemy of her soul is strong. But God is stronger.

Please pray for her.

Current Prayer Requests

These are some of the battles we’re facing…


Please pray for the future orphanage. We met with the developer hoping to at least get started on permits. He said it was pointless to go forward until we are recognized as a non-profit by the government here, as we are in the US. A lawyer has been working on that process for us, but it seems slow and endless. Please pray that God expedites what could be a very long and tedious process.


Pray for the street work. The dynamics of that work have changed greatly. There’s not the number of kids working the streets as there once was. Don’t be fooled into thinking things here are improving. They’ve just moved on, and we need to find them. We’ve lost count, but guess that about forty boys have been taken off the street and brought to the rehab. I would love to tell you that they’re all success stories, but that’s not the case. We seek for one lost soul, with the help and diligence of our Lord.


Pray for the work in the favelas. This work in the slums is ongoing. Along with the feedings, we have been doing all day first-aid care, either door to door or by setting up a table near our truck. We’ve been taking some of the teenagers from Aningas to help us. The conditions in the slums seem to become more desperate with time. There have been days when we have left the favelas and gone straight to the hospital with folks whose condition was beyond our help.

We had been purchasing medical supplies direct from a distributor. On our last visit, the owner informed her that the government had changed the rules and we will no longer be able to buy there. Please pray that the Lord finds us another resource.


Pray for Aningas. We have made some real inroads there. Many of the families have embraced us and are so thankful for the times when God, through us, has helped them. Satan is not pleased. There have been a couple of rumblings through the village that some are not pleased with these Americans. “Who do they think they are showing up and taking over?” God knows we’re walking a fine line. We do what we can, we help where we can, and we leave the politics of being accepted to God. It really has been humorous to watch God silence some of the naysayers using their own family members, who have started to attend on Sunday nights. Pray for Fatima, who is in the hospital. She recently began attending on Sunday nights, bringing her little daughter, Kathleen. Fatima’s mother is a devout Catholic and the loudest “rumbler.”

Our Sunday night effort has grown considerably. The kids are now rewarded for learning memory verses. We have changed our approach. We now focus on Bible verses rather than lessons. They need to understand that what we’re teaching is from God’s word. Some statements made they haven’t liked. They need to know that their argument is with God. When we show them what God says and where it is found, they have accepted the truth.


Prayer Request

Just got home. Looonnnng day. Brought Luiz to rehab after Igapó. There are 5 in! I think they are all serious. I’m so praying for the good soil.

Member the bicho de pe guy in Cambuim? He’s sitting at the rehab, shaking his head and saying, “This is no coincidence; this is God. I can’t believe He would do this for me.” His name is Edilson. He had a really difficult 3 days; he was shaking a lot.  I called this morning and he still had not eaten, but had a few bites at lunch. It’s been months since he ate regularly.

Today, one of the guys sat next to him and took 148 bichos out of his feet, one by one. (John 13:14) His feet are full of holes, he’s on amoxicillin, and I got a tube of ointment for him to keep them from getting bacteria and fungus.

Please pray for these five souls:

Isaías, 23, crack addict–Ponta Negra stop, lives in K-6 (deformed hand)

Luis-, 20, crack addict–Ponta Negra stop

Edilson, 50, Alcoholic–Cambuim

Manoel, 18, crack addict, Machadão stop. (deformed leg-was shot by police)

Mattias, 27, crack addict–(Bruno) 2nd time in.

I can’t stop from crying each time we drive up the dirt road to the rehab. Clessio.

The Father knows–Sorrow’s chains are heavy.
But Joy is a footfall away.